Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Pawan Kalyan, recently met with a delegation of prominent Tollywood producers. The meeting, held to address the financial challenges faced by the Telugu film industry, focused on seeking gov more...
Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Pawan Kalyan, recently met with a delegation of prominent Tollywood producers. The meeting, held to address the financial challenges faced by the Telugu film industry, focused on seeking gov more...
It is no secret that power is virtually everything in politics. When you are in power, the entire world seems to be at your feet, but when you lose power, the entire world seems to have you in its first. Sadly for ex CM Jagan Mohan Reddy, h more...
It is no secret that power is virtually everything in politics. When you are in power, the entire world seems to be at your feet, but when you lose power, the entire world seems to have you in its first. Sadly for ex CM Jagan Mohan Reddy, h more...
YSR Congress has witnessed what could be considered the worst possible public mandate after having been in power for 5 years. The party couldn't even secure 10% of the seats that it won in 2019(151) as it got restricted to just 11 seats more...
YSR Congress has witnessed what could be considered the worst possible public mandate after having been in power for 5 years. The party couldn't even secure 10% of the seats that it won in 2019(151) as it got restricted to just 11 seats more...