Think and you will experience Swamiji for yourself. Some people say yogi, man of miracles, healer, doctor, yoga man, magician; other say he follows the vedic way; some say confusion man - all are correct. Each person has his own way of looking at me but I say I am not a spiritual business man. "
His Holiness Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji of Mysore, one of the greatest spiritual leaders of the present day is an asset to India and the world at large. He is an incarnation of the Great Cosmic Power. Revival of culture, reformation of society, establishing peace and happiness among humankind and spiritually transforming individuals is his mission. His methods include: establishing Dharma (righteous action) and Bhakti (devotion) by singing devotional hymns and reciting the names of the Lord Almighty (namasankirtana).
Sri Swamiji is traveling the world to help seekers discover that everything is God. In Him devotees find compassion, love and divine wisdom as He guides them on the path of Yoga sadhana - to discover and realize their true Self. Sri Swamiji conveys an important part of His message through His music, being noted for His namasankirtana. Sri Swamiji's music is devotional and used for spiritual energy transmission. This great master sings self-composed bhajans in Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada and English and plays healing ragas on an electronic synthesizer, accompanied by musicians on classical Indian instruments. Devotees around the world claim to have received immense benefit through his concerts, everything from physical healing to spiritual guidance, and great outpourings of divine love.
It is easier to describe what He does than to say who He is. To begin to know who he is one must experience him; one must adopt the attitude of a seeker of God. Sri Swamiji speaks simply and to the heart. In fact He is a silent teacher who teaches through your own love and devotion. To experience Him is to begin to know one's own true self.
Additional Notes
Sri Swamiji was born at Mekedatu in southern India on May 26, 1942. A Muslim saint had predicted to His parents that their child would have supreme wisdom and knowledge and was destined to uplift mankind.