
Butta Bomma’s OTT release date is here

Butta Bomma’s OTT release date is here
  • 28 Feb 2023 12:00 AM

Butta Bomma, featuring talented young actors Arjun Das, Anaika Surendran, and Vassishta in the lead roles released in the theaters on the 4th of February. 

The latest news is that this film is set for its OTT debut now. It will be made available for streaming on its official OTT streaming partner Netflix. 

The film will stream on Netflix from the 4th of Narch which would mean that it’s exercising the standard 4 weeks OTT plan which has been about normally these days for Telugu films. 

Butta Bomma is a love drama that unfolds at its own pace so it is better suited for a OTT experience and the set of audience, it must be said. 

The film will be stream in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada. Netflix has issued an official social media statement in this regard now. 

The film is a remake of Kappela which is also streaming on Netflix now.