San gachhadhwam, sam vadadhwam sam vo manaansi jaanaatam. Deva bhaagam yathaa poorve sanjaanaanaa upasate.
Samano mantrah Samitih Samani Samanam Manah Saha Chittamesham Samanam Mantramabhimantraye Vah Samanena Vo Havisha Juhomi
Samanee va Akootih, Samana Hrudayani Vah Samanamastu Vo Mano, Yatha Vah Susahasati
Let us meet together, talk together, let our minds apprehend alike, in like manner as the ancient Devas, concurring, accepted their portions of offerings.
Common be our prayer, common be the acquirement, common be the purpose, associated be the desire. I repeat for you a common prayer, I offer for you a common oblation.
Additional Notes
Common be you intention, common be the wishes of your hearts, common be your thoughts, so that there may be thorough union amongst you.
Individual upliftment, individual liberation is not the goal; and individual thought or individual action is not the means or the process.
Collective thought, collective speech, collective exertion, collective assertion is our mode of thinking and action.
The goal of Lok-Sangraha not reached until every member of the society is fulfilled, is prosperous, is liberated.