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Telugu Cultural Association (TCA) of Austin is a non-profit organization 501(c) founded over 24 years ago with an objective to promote, preserve and encourage the rich Telugu culture, language, art, music, dance, drama and unique traditions of the Telugu speaking people of the Greater Austin and surrounding areas. TCA also aims towards educating the children who are born and raised in USA with Telugu literacy, value system and traditions.
TCA believes in organizing unique cultural events that depict the rich culture and arts of the Telugu people and also encourages other communities and nonprofit organizations to participate and help each other.
Telugu Sanskruti has a rich, long and deep literary culture and the language was proudly called as “The Italian of the East”. Telugu traditions have made global presence and are trying to integrate into US main stream culture.
Membership in this Organization shall be open to all persons who speak Telugu Language, who appreciate Telugu language literature and cultural heritage. Join and contribute to help maintain the Telugu sanksruti and sampradayam.