
Hero clarifies on viral video of him with a lady on NYC streets

Hero clarifies on viral video of him with a lady on NYC streets
  • 28 Dec 2023 12:00 AM

The other day, there was a video of noted South Indian actor Vishal in which he is seen walking along with a woman on the streets of New York City. This video went viral quickly due to the spooky nature of it. 

However, Vishal has now clarified that this is a staged video and it is a spoof video. He took to social media to confirm the same a short while ago. 

"Sorry guys, I guess it's time to reveal the truth about the recent video. Well well well, it's half true in terms of location, yes I am in New York which is my regular retreat place with my cousins, which is a ritual of destressing myself every year after a super chaotic rest of the year.

The other half of it actually is a prank which all of our cousins decided to play on Christmas Day, directed, enacted and executed by my cousins.

Always brings the kid in me which is a good feeling n decided to do it and putting an end to all u #detectives speculations. Well of course some were bang on target. But no hard feelings. Love ya all" Vishal tweeted this a little while ago.