Austin Gurdwara Sahib is the first Gurdwara established in Austin, Texas. It is dedicated to providing a holy place of worship for the Austin Sikh community. It is a non profit organization registered with IRS and State of Texas. Austin Gurdwara started functioning with effect from April 13, 2003.
About 100 people participated in the inauguration ceremony. Highlights of the program were - erecting the Nishan Sabih and performance of Gatka by a team from Houstan. Kirtan was performed by Bhai Dr. Rajinder Singh of Houston.
Since then Kirtan Dabar is held from 11:30 Am to 1:30 PM every Sunday. Karah Prasadh and Guru Ka Langhar are also served. Programme ends with Sukhashan service.
To conduct the workings of Austin Gurdwara Sahib, the Sarbat Khalsa (general body) passed the by-laws and elected first representatives on April 13, 2003 at 5104 Avispa Way, Austin TX 78738.
Additional Notes
The Sikh Temple at Austin, Texas is open for prayers on all days of the week from 8 AM to 6 PM.
On Sundays there is a special service of Keertan, Ardas and Langhar Seva from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM.