Intersection of Independence and McDermott Plano, TX-75025
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Krishna's Home Preschool/Daycare provides a safe, loving, and nurturing environment for all kids. All children from ages 2 -5 years before kindergarten or occasionally up to 12 years old (after school care) are welcome to join. The timings for Daycare are 8AM - 6PM while the Pre-school timing is from 8:30AM- 12AM. Our primary goal is to ensure that the children are constantly striving academically to reach their full potential; Please view the curriculum to see the specifics about what will be taught.
Circle Time
Singing (Days of the week, months, etc.)
Reading books (story books, science, nature..)
Learning Numbers/letters/shapes
Weather forecast
Animal recognition with toys
Language Development
Using complex sentences
Using language to communicate ideas, questions, and needs
Trying to understand story sequences by going through books thoroughly
Scribbling to help with markers
Motor Skills/Physical development
Stringing beads, improving hand-eye coordination
Cutting newspaper with safety scissors
Become self sufficient in using tissues, washing hands, etc.
Counting games and counting songs
Sorting toys and other objects by size, shape, or color
Utilizes different methods to solve problems
Explore names and characteristics of different sea and land animals
Social and Emotional Development
Understanding how his or her actions affect others
Learning to display and control emotions
Table manners