What Are Angel Numbers?

What Are Angel Numbers?
  • 11 Oct 2023 07:46 AM

Discover the significance of angel numbers and their meanings

In Numerology, every number has a unique vibration and meaning. From our Life Path number to our Birth Day number to our house number, the vibrational frequencies of numbers hold powerful significance in our everyday lives. Because numbers are everywhere, our spirit guides use them to communicate with us. These divine signs have a special name: angel numbers.

If you're not familiar with angel numbers, you may be asking yourself questions like: What are angel numbers? What do angel numbers mean? Why am I seeing angel numbers? Let's explore the powerful messages these spiritual number sequences have for YOUR life...

What are angel numbers?

Simply put, angel numbers are repeating sequences of numbers that seem to show up everywhere you look! Have you ever felt like you look at license plates and always see 222, or do you keep looking at the clock exactly at 11:11? It may seem like a coincidence that you've been seeing the same number sequences over and over again, but these repeating numbers are actually angel numbers, and they hold a very powerful message that the universe thinks YOU need to hear.

Why do I keep seeing angel numbers?

Because your guardian angels are always looking out for you, they'll keep showing you these numbers until the lesson gets through to you. Think of these numbers as your spirit guides jumping up and down, waving their arms at you and trying to get your attention. Chances are, the more you gloss over these angel numbers, the more frequently you'll end up seeing them.
