
Interesting: CBN meets BJP bigwig

Interesting: CBN meets BJP bigwig
  • 16 Aug 2023 12:00 AM

The Andhra Pradesh political spectrus is set to see drastic changes in the next few weeks as the political parties have started to devise their strategies for the coming elections which are under a year from now. 

Coming to the topic, TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu has now met with BJP veteran Dattatreya in Hyderabad recently. 

The fact that Naidu met with the BJP veteran with the Andhra Pradesh election fever well and truly catching up has become a hot topic now. It has to be seen if this meeting will result in a positive reinforcement of the bonding between TDP and BJP.

The meeting was kep as a low key affair and this could well be the stepping stone for another alliance between BJP and TDP after the 2014 elections. 

The nature of the meeting has been kept as a secret for now with no official word from the parties. But speculations are rife that Chandrababu has started to prepare the ground for the collaboration with BJP before the next election.