NTR30: Is NTR right to ask fans to stop asking for updates

- 06 Feb 2023 12:00 AM
Jr NTR was the chief guest for Amigos pre release event last night and he came up with a very interesting speech at the same. He even spoke about fans pressurising the team of NTR30 for updates.
“Fans should understand that it is impossible to provide updates almost every day & every hour about upcoming movies. I can understand your enthusiasm to know updates about the movies but it is putting unnecessary pressure on the producers. “ NTR said at the event as he asked fans not to go hard on the producers for the updates.
“I'm not talking only about my films but almost everyone in the industry facing similar pressure to provide updates regularly to the fans. Coming to NTR30, we are launching the film officially this month. Regular shoot starts on the 20th of March or even before. Aiming to release the film on 05th April 2024” NTR added.
Well, it has been over 14 months since NTR last faced a film camera and it is only common for fans to be anxious about it. Being a superstar, the onus is on NTR to keep his fans engaged with continual updates on his films. Fans simply can’t control their excitement on their beloved hero and they can’t be faulted for demanding updates on NTR30.