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Kerala Association of Greater Washington
Kerala Association of Greater Washington (KAGW) is the pre-eminent organization for Malayalees (Malayalam speaking people or the people from the South Indian state of Kerala) in Washington metro area serving them for more than 35 years. It has served as the bedrock for all types of arts, cultural and literary activities for Keralites in this area. Many outstanding individuals and leaders in the community have been associated with this august association in a variety of roles and capacities. Its defining identity is its existence as a stepping stone for many aspiring artists and leaders in the community.
KAGW is a registered non-profit organization exempt from taxes and certified per the federal regulations for non-profits as a 501(c) (3) organization. KAGW provides a forum for its members to meet and exchange views and to foster a spirit of friendship, goodwill, and understanding. The primary and distinguishing purpose of a cultural heritage organization like KAGW is to bind the community together by promoting and preserving its identity, traditions, and values. By providing public programs through which cultural heritage can be shared, KAGW is a leader in building bridges between various cultural groups and the larger community. KAGW is committed to serving the community in this way, through its far-reaching programs and endeavors.