
BJP: JanaSena's votes will be polled for us

BJP: JanaSena's votes will be polled for us
  • 09 Mar 2023 12:00 AM

For the past few months, there have been varying reports on the supposedly growing distance between BJP and JanaSena. Pawan has repeatedly been saying that he is still waiting for BJP's roadmap for the coming elections. 

Now, BJP Andhra Pradesh wing president Somu Veerraju has made a very interesting comment in the context of the relationship between JanaSena and the saffron party. 

"The camaraderie between JanaSena and BJP is going along very well. We are definitely continuing the alliance forward and there are no second thoughts about it. I am confident that all of JanaSena's votes will only be polled for BJP." Somu Veerraju said. 

The BJP senior leader went on to point out that Pawan himself had recently confirmed that he will continue with the BJP till further notice and this pretty much confirms that the alliance between JanaSena and BJP will go along. 

Well, it appears to be that BJP and JanaSena will indeed be going into the 2024 elections together and this would mean that the TDP which has been waiting for potential allies will have to continue the wait.