- divakar
- 27 Apr 2024 12:40 PM
- AP polls, Pawan Kalyan, ap elections
JanaSena chief Pawan Kalyan is currently occupied with his election campaign in Pithapuram. He has been touring the constituency at an extensive capacity as he looks determined to win this seat this term.
But despite the packed political commitments, Pawan appears to be on track to resume his film commitments once he is done with the political campaign.
Pawan has assured the producers of Ustaad Bhagat Singh, Hari Hara Veera Mallu, and OG that he will be available for shootings once the polls are done.
The polling will be done on May 13 and the counting will be on the 4th of June. Pawan might be commencing the film shootings immediately after he is done with polling process.
Pawan has assured all his producers that he would stand by his commitments no matter what. He will be keeping himself busy with the film commitments immediately after the electoral roll is done.