
Time for Pawan Kalyan to bring back Varahi?

Time for Pawan Kalyan to bring back Varahi?
  • 19 Feb 2024 12:00 AM

Roughly six months ago, Janasena boss Pawan Kalyan was touring the length of Andhra Pradesh with the Varahi vehicle that has been a key optic of his election campaign for a while now. These political tours were named Varahi Yatras and they used to catch the attention of the public. 

Pawan had even revealed that the Varahi vehicle was specifically designed for his upcoming election campaign in Andhra Pradesh and vowed to keep the rig-like vehicle active in his campaign. 

However, as the all important election campaign has begun in Andhra Pradesh, Pawan Kalyan and his Varahi vehicle have gone missing. Pawan is confining himself only to internal meetings with JSP leaders and is not stepping out for public meetings. This hibernation wasn't expected from him five weeks before the elections. 

On the flip side, the Varahi vehicle is also nowhere to be seen in Andhra Pradesh after making a whole lot of noise over the last few months. The vehicle that was specifically prepared for this very purpose has gone missing at the crux time.