- galaxy
- 06 Nov 2024 11:14 PM
- Telugu language, Alameda County, polling centers, world languages, Indian languages
This is something interesting for Telugu speakers. We have already seen how hoardings and standees were erected in some places in Telugu to support the Democrats and Republicans in areas with a significant Telugu population in the USA. Those were put up by the general public and party supporters. Today, the Registrar of Voters in Alameda County, Dublin City, California, has erected directional boards at polling centers in different world languages. Out of the 13 languages featured here, three are Indian- Hindi, Punjabi, and Telugu. It is fascinating to see the prominence of this language in a region recognized as one of the most spoken languages. The languages in order here are Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Filipino, Punjabi, Khmer, Korean, Hindi, Burmese, Thai, Hawaiian, Russian and Telugu.