
Ugly public brawl between Telangana governor and Govt.

Ugly public brawl between Telangana governor and Govt.
  • 04 Mar 2023 12:00 AM

The ugly brawl between the government of Telangana and the governor of the state, Tamilisai has turned public now. 

The government has filed a Supreme Court case against the governor and related hearings and proceedings are underway now. 

The governor Tamilisai has now shared an interesting tweet in this context and she has come down heavily on the chief secretary of Telangana with her social media attack. 

“Dear @TelanganaCS  Rajbhavan is nearer than  Delhi. Assuming office as CS you didn't find time to visit  Rahbhavan officially. No protocol!No courtesy even for courtesy call.” The governor tweeted about the chief secretary. 

“Friendly official visits & interactions would have been more helpfull which you Don't even intend. Again i remind you Rajbhavan is nearer than Delhi @TelanganaCS“ the governor tweeted a short while back. 

The governor is clearly taking on the government of Telangana and she is leaving no holds barred for the same. And also the government has decided to go hard against the governor.